We must understand movement as a cognitive phenomenon that can become very complex and can demand the maximum of the brain’s capacity. Movement involves the simultaneous action of multiple brain regions in complex coordination with the whole organism and in synchronisation with the environment in which it occurs. Rapid micro-decisions are constantly being made, even if it is a simple movement such as walking.

The systems that produce movements include intentionality and prediction to better adapt to the complexities of the external world. The brain is a very expensive organ to keep running and needs to anticipate the future from previous experiences to increase its energy efficiency. It is very effective at prediction to build a certain level of stability, albeit an illusion, which reduces uncertainties and allows it to create automated responses that are more effective and more efficient.

Our organism, and especially the brain, has evolved to be shaped by the characteristics and changes of the environment. The brain is highly plastic and can change functionally and structurally to adapt better to changes in the environment. This is known as neuroplasticity. Genetics gave us neurons but it is experience that creates synapses. In this sense the novelty that produces change requires a higher level of adaptation because it avoids prediction to some extent. Therefore, in order to produce greater brain involvement in activity, it is necessary to pay special attention to the characteristics of the environment and to analyse the possibilities of altering them in order to produce a certain level of novelty and change. Improve the stimulating level of the environment.

The 7 fundamental aspects of Neuroexercise are:

  1. The EF must be enriched from a neurostimulatory point of view. We achieve this mainly through novelty and variability. The challenges of novelty, variety, variability, surprise and learning are essential to provide greater intensity of neurostimulation by partly avoiding the predetermined patterns that allow for anticipation. It is about anticipating anticipation. Variations in intensity and high intensity exercises, if possible and advisable. Both neural (precision, difficulty) and physical (effort).
  2. Any novelty or variety has a stimulating effect. But challenges must be regularly present in the activities because they force attention and concentration. It is not only about perception, the neural intervention of attention increases the neurostimulatory intensity and consolidates the information we receive as long-term memory.
  3. It is essential to combine novelty with repetition. Repetition produces a more effective, more efficient and faster response because it is what consolidates plasticity and learning. Learning is stimulating and healthy. But it must be taken into account that repetition produces what is known as “the paradox of plasticity”, a better adaptation but at the same time a worse adaptability because it reduces the neurostimulatory impact.
  4. As with physical training, it is essential to combine stimulation with neural rest. As intensity of stimulation is a key factor, so is neural rest too. Predictive repetition avoids the stress of novelty and reduces the intensity level of stimulation and allows for some neural rest which is essential to produce the desired adaptations. Recovery activities must also be introduced to ensure this rest because overstimulation can lead to maladaptation.
  5. The greatest benefits to the brain occur with a combination of different types of physical activity. Aerobic exercise that combines different metabolic pathways, strength work that develops musculoskeletal and neuromotor support, and coordination work that provides different levels of complexity to promote neuroestimulation and learning. Working on support systems such as cardiovascular, neuromuscular and metabolic systems ensures brain functionality.
  6. Preferably outdoors. An open space produces a wider range of stimuli. A natural environment is even richer in beneficial stimuli. If the environment is natural and beautiful, a certain emotional aspect is added.
  7. It is interesting to add related cognitive content to any type of Physical Exercise. This content should be related to skills such as concentration, memory, creativity, decision-making, analysis and critical thinking.

By taking these aspects into account, the level of stimulation and brain development is enhanced.

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